On Thursday 10th March playtime, children played with "homemade" colored dough and realized a candle holder.
Here is the instructions to make colored dough at home with kids :
You need : (to make two colors)
- 2 cups flour
- 1 cup salt
- 1 cup water
- two different colors of paint (green and bleu for example)
1/ Put 1 cup of flour in two different bowls and add 1/2 cup of salt.
2/ Put 1/2 cup water (or a little bit less to be sure your dough won't be too sticky) in a glass and add some paint (around 1 tablespoon is good). Stir well until the water is well colored. Add a little bit more paint if it's too light colored. Do the same for the other color, in another glass.
3/ Add each glass of colored water in one bowl and mix it with flour and salt. It it's too sticky, add flour and if it's too dry, add water (with or without paint).
You can keep your dough in a container or a plastic bag.
Your child can simply play with it or make something to keep it, like animals, candle holder, photo holder... If you want to keep it, try to do something quite slim, in order it could dry. Let creations dry during several days (time depend of how big are creations).